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I Selected this photo because I like the view. This is a good representation of my photography because most of my pictures are of the sky. I didn't do much editing in this photo just out a little tint on it and turned up clarity

I Selected this photo because I like the color of the sky. It represents me because its another picture of the sky. All I did to edit this picture was turn up the brightness a tiny bit

I picked this photo because I like how the clouds look in this photo. It represents me because it goes along with most of the other photos I took. I changed the tint in light room on this picture.

I picked this image because I think the snow looks very cool. This represents me because I love to snowboard and most of my pictures were something to do with snowboarding. As far as editing goes in this picture, I turned up clarity and contrast. Then added a purple tint to match the other 4 photos on this part of my portfolio. 

I selected this image because I like that you can see all of the davenport city lights and the sky looks cool. This picture represents my photography because its another sky picture. To edit this I just changed the tint to match the other photos. 

Throughout this cores I have grown in knowledge and as a photographer. I now have a better understanding of how to use Lightroom and Photoshop. I improved most in taking photos and making sure they go together better than just a bunch of random photos for the set. I'm most proud of the word editing project because I always wondered how to do cool stuff like that and mine turned out pretty good. I was not pleased with the alphabet mosaic because I didn't do it and I wish i would have. For future plans in photography I will most likely use the skills i learned in Photoshop for fun when I am bored and use it to make photos look better.

Final paragraph

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